Graphing: Predefined Views

With CPRS graphing, users can create and maintain views, which are predefined graphs that they can select with a single click. Views can help users to find the information they need quickly. CPRS supports public and private views. Public views are created by authorized users and are available to all users. Private views are created by each individual user for personal use. Choose from the items below:

·  Creating predefined views

·  Editing predefined views

·  Renaming predefined views

·  Deleting predefined views


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Graphing Overview

Start CPRS graphing

Configure graphing settings

Graphing Items from the Main Window

Graphing Items from the Select Items and Define Views Dialog Box

Graphing: Adjusting the Display

Graphing: Displayed Details for Graphed Items

Graphing: Using the Zoom Feature

Graphing: Copy and Paste or Print Graphs

Graphing: Exporting Data