Viewing Vitals

CPRS displays the patient's most recent vitals in the vitals area of the Cover Sheet (the vitals area is in the lower center). CPRS now uses the Vitals Lite Dynamic Link Library (.dll) to view and enter a patient's vitals. Vitals Lite has its own online help. To access the Vitals Lite help, select Help | Quick Reference.

CPRS displays the following vitals and measurements:

·      Blood pressure

·      Central venous pressure

·      Circumference/girth

·      Height

·      Pain

·      Pulse

·      Pulse oximetry

·      Respiration

·      Temperature

·      Weight


Users bring up detailed vitals information by clicking anywhere in the vitals area on the CPRS cover sheet. By using the new Vitals Lite component, CPRS users can enter vitals with qualifiers, such as sitting, standing, actual, estimated, left arm, right leg, etc., and then on the Cover Sheet, CPRS displays the all vitals that have a value entered, any qualifiers, and the date the vital was entered. For example, a user might see blood pressure, temperature, and pulse from two months ago, while a value for pulse oximetry might be from six months ago.

CPRS users can enter vitals with qualifiers from the Cover Sheet or from the Vitals tab of the Encounter form.

The following items are also displayed in the Vitals view:

·      Body Mass Index (BMI): This value is calculated using the following formula:

BMI =      Weight in Kilograms             

  (Height in Meters) x (Height in Meters)


·      L/Min/%: Liters per minute of oxygen or percentage is entered when the user enters oxygen saturation based on Pulse oximetry.

·      In 24hr (c.c.): Intake for the past 24 hours measured in cubic centimeters is taken from the Intake and Output package.

·      Out 24hr (c.c.): Output for the past 24 hours measured in cubic centimeters is taken from the Intake and Output package.


To view the selected patient's vitals history, use these steps:

1.     Select a value in the Cover Sheet's Vitals area.

The Vitals Lite dialog appears.


2.     Additional help, bring up the Vitals Lite help by selecting Help | Quick Reference.


Related Topics

Entering Vitals