Entering Vitals

CPRS users now have the Vitals Lite package to enter vitals signs and measurements. Users bring up the Vitals Lite package either from the CPRS Cover Sheet or the Encounter form's Vitals tab.

To enter a patient's vitals information, follow these steps:

1.     Select on a value in the Cover Sheet's Vitals area.

The Vitals Lite dialog displays.


2.     Select Enter Vitals.

3.     In the Vitals Lite: Enter Vitals for {Patient Name} dialog appears, enter the appropriate vitals and measurements.

Note:      If the visit has not been defined, the Visit Selection dialog appears. You must choose either a previous visit or define a new visit to enter the vitals.

Note:      If encounter information has not been entered, the encounter information dialog will appear before the Vitals entry for - [Patient Name} dialog. You must complete the encounter information dialog before proceeding.


4.     For additional help on entering vitals or measurements, on the Vitals Lite dialog, select Help | Quick Reference.


Note:      If vitals or measurements are entered in error, they will not be deleted, but they can be marked as entered in error.


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Viewing Vitals