Home > CPRS Conventions > CPRS Conventions
The CPRS Windows conventions are divided into three categories:
· Changing the size of Windows
Select one of these categories to see a list of all of the items in that category. Then, click on the item to go to the definition. To return to the top of this document, click the Back button once or twice as needed.
These types of data entry fields are located in standard Windows forms:
· List box
· Right mouse button or Shift F10
· Tab key
· Text box
Toggles between a YES/NO, ON/OFF setting. Usually a square box containing a check mark or x. Clicking the box or pressing the spacebar toggles the check box setting.
The Command button initiates an action. It is a rectangular box with a label that specifies what the button does. Command buttons that end with three dots indicate that a subsidiary screen may be evoked by selecting the command.
Identified by "__/__/__" or a date "mm/dd/yy". Will usually have an associated pop-up calendar. Double clicking with the mouse inside the date edit box, or tabbing to the edit box and then pressing the F2 key, displays the calendar. Clicking on the desired date, or using the arrow keys to move to a date and then pressing the spacebar, selects the date. Each component of the date (month/day/year) must consist of two characters (i.e., 02/02/96). The selected entry will not be effective until you tab off or exit from the date field.
A list box containing an arrow button on the right side which displays one entry at a time. Choose from a vertical list of choices. Select the entry you want by clicking the list entry. You cannot type in this box, only select an item from the list. Once an entry is selected, it cannot be deleted - only changed. If <None> is the last entry, selecting it will clear the list entry. If <More> is the last entry, selecting it will display additional entries. The selected entry will not be effective until you tab off or exit from the drop down list.
Faded Background
Fields that appear with a faded background are currently disabled.
Most actions on the CPRS screens can be performed with keyboard commands.
Box which shows a list of items. If more items exist than can be seen in the box, a scroll bar appears on the side of the box. Selecting an entry from a list box requires either double clicking the entry or single clicking the entry and pressing the spacebar.
Choose from a vertical list of choices. By typing in a few characters and pressing the ENTER or TAB key, a list of matching entries drops down. Select the entry you want by clicking the list entry. Entering a question mark and then pressing ENTER or TAB, or clicking the down arrow on an empty edit field, gives a complete listing of available entries. If <More> is the last entry, selecting it will display additional entries.
This field is equivalent to a word-processing field.
Items in fields that appear with a non-white background can be selected but cannot be modified directly in that field.
Radio buttons appear in sets. Each button represents a single choice and only one button may be selected at any one time. For example, MALE or FEMALE may be offered as choices through two radio buttons. Click in the button to select it.
Right Mouse Button or Shift F10
You may click the right mouse button or press Shift F10 for a pop-up box of menu items.
Use the TAB key or the mouse to move between fields. Do not use the RETURN key. The RETURN key is usually reserved for the default command button or action (except in menu fields).
Type the desired characters into the text box. The selected entry will not be effective until you tab off or exit from the text box.
Buttons that appear on tab pages apply only to that tab and not the entire form. If there are action buttons on both the tab page and the form, the tab button should normally be clicked first. Note that every button has an associated menu bar command but not every menu bar command has an associated button.
· Add
· Cancel
· Close
· Help
· OK
· Save
· Undo
Anytime you reach a screen and the ADD button is enabled, you must first click the ADD button before entering any information.
Cancels the latest entry (up until the OK or SAVE button is clicked).
Closes the window. If there are any changes that have not been saved, you will get a confirmation message asking you if you want to continue without saving; save before exiting; or cancel the close action and return to the window.
The Help Menu provides a table of contents, an index, or search to get to help for the area you are currently working in. *You can also click the right mouse button or press the F1 key for context-sensitive help (i.e., help that applies specifically to the area you are working in, such as a dialog box).
*not available yet
Adds the new entry after the data has been entered.
Saves all changes made since the last save action. If you attempt to save and all required fields have not yet been completed, you will receive notification that the required fields must be completed before saving.
Undoes all changes made since the last save action and redisplays the original data.
You can change the size of most CPRS windows using typical Windows conventions:
· Position the mouse pointer over the side bar and drag out to make the window wider
· Position the mouse pointer over the right-bottom corner and drag diagonally to increase the whole size of the window
· Position the mouse pointer over the vertical panel divider and drag left or right to increase or decrease the size of either panel. For Example, in the window below, the left-hand panel which lists All Consults is too narrow to show all the information about each Consult. If you drag the dividing line to the right, you can see more data.