Viewing Medications

The Meds tab contains a list of medications for the selected patient. Inpatient, outpatient, and Non-VA (including non-prescription and herbal) medications are listed in separate sections of the window.

When you select the Meds tab, you see a list of medications that have been ordered for this patient. If you would like to view additional information about a specific medication, double click the medication entry or select a medication and choose View | Details.

Note:      You can also review or add medication orders from the Orders tab. Also, if a medication is preceded by an asterisk (*), the asterisk indicates that the order was changed as a service correction.


The Meds tab shows three different areas: Inpatient Meds, Non-VA Meds, and Outpatient Meds as shown below. Directly below the Patient Inquiry button, CPRS displays the sort method for the Meds tab (in this case"Sort by Status/Exp. Date (IMO first on Inpt"), followed by the date range for the medications viewed if a date range has been defined. If no date range has been defined, no dates display after the sort order, and CPRS will use the default dates from the pharmacy package.

Users should always check this line to see what they are viewing.

This screen capture shows part of the Meds tab with the text indicating the sort order identified

When ordering medications, you can order Outpatient Pharmacy or Inpatient Meds, which includes IV Fluids and Unit Dose.


Related Topics

Sorting the Medications View

Ordering Inpatient Medications (Simple Dose)

Ordering Inpatient Medications (Complex Dose)

Ordering Outpatient Medications (Simple Dose)

Ordering Outpatient Medications (Complex Dose)

Entering Non-VA Medication Information

Change Medication Order

Discontinue Medication Order

Hold Medication Order

Renew Medication Order

Other Medication Actions (popup menu)