IV Fluids

IV Fluids are part of Inpatient Medications. This module uses the types of information listed below for processing orders. Click on a term to go to its definition.

·       Type

·       Additive

·       Strength

·       Solution

·       Volume

·       Infusion rate

·       Med route

·       Schedule

·       Administration times

·       Remarks

·       Other print

·       Start date

·       Stop date

·       Provider

·       Nature of Order

·      On call



This describes the type of IV order to be placed. Orders identified as admixtures,chemotherapy admixtures, chemotherapy syringes (continuous) and hyperals are treated as continuous orders. Other types are assumed to be administered intermittently based on the orders schedule.



There can be any number of additives for an order, including zero. You can enter an additive or additive synonym. If your IRM Chief/Site Manager or Application Coordinator has defined it in the IV Additives file, you may enter a quick code for an additive. The quick code allows you to predefine certain fields, thus speeding up the order entry process.



The strength of the additive specified to be included in the order. Strength must be entered for each additive.



There can be any number of solutions in an order, depending on the type. It is even possible to require zero solutions when an additive is premixed with a solution. If no solutions are chosen, the computer will give you a warning message, in case it is an oversight, and give you an opportunity to add one. You may enter an IV solution or IV solution synonym.



This is the amount of the solution to be included in the order. The total volume of the order is used along with Infusion Rate to determine projected administration times for the order.


Infusion Rate

The infusion rate is the rate at which the IV is to be administered. This value, in conjunction with the total volume of the hyperal or the admixture type, is used to determine the time covered by one bag; hence the system can predict the bags needed during a specified time of coverage. This field is free text for piggybacks. For admixtures you must enter a number that will represent the infusion rate. You can also specify the # of bags per day that will be needed. Example: 125 = 125 ml/hr (IV system will calculate bags needed per day), 125@2 = 125 ml/hr with 2 labels per day, Titrate@1 = Titrate with 1 label per day. The format of this field is either a number only or <free text > @ <Number of labels per day > (e.g., Titrate @ 1).


Med Route

This is the route of administration for this medication (e.g., IV, SQ). If a corresponding abbreviation is found for this route in the MEDICATION ROUTES file, this module will print that abbreviation on its reports.



This defines the frequency the order is to be administered. Schedules may be selected from the ADMINISTRATION SCHEDULE file (#51.1) or day-of-week or admin/time schedules may be used. Inpatient Medications recognizes schedules in the following formats:

·      QxH - Hourly schedules where x is the number of hours between administrations

·      QxD - Daily schedules where x is the number of days between administrations

·      QxM - Monthly schedules where x is the number of months between administrations


If a schedule is defined for the Orderable Item selected when entering a new order, that schedule is displayed as the default for the order.


Administration Times

This defines the time(s) of day the order is to be given. If the schedule for the order contains "PRN" any administration times for the order will be ignored. In new order entry, the default administration times are determined as described below:

If administration times are defined for the Orderable Item selected, they will be shown as the default for the order.

If administration times are defined in the ADMINISTRATION SCHEDULE file (#51.1) for the patient's ward and the order's schedule, they will be shown as the default for the order.

If administration times are defined for the Schedule, they will be shown as the default for the order.



This contains additional information about the order that is not to be included on the IV or MAR labels.


Other Print

This data is included on the IV and MAR labels.


Start Date

The default start date/time for the order is calculated based on the DEFAULT START DATE CALCULATION field (#.05) of the INPATIENT WARD PARAMETERS file (#59.6). This allows the site to use the next or closest administration or delivery time, or the order's login date/time as the default start date/time. For continuous IV orders the default start date/time is based on the delivery times for the IV room specified. For intermittent IV orders this default is based on the order's administration times.


Stop Date

The default stop date/time for the order is determined by the <IV TYPE> GOOD FOR HOW MANY DAYS fields in the IV ROOM file (#59.5), where <IV TYPE> is piggyback, admixture, syringe, chemotherapy, etc. If the NUMBER OF DAYS FOR IV ORDER field (#3) of the IV ADDITIVES file (#52.6) is less then it will be used instead.



This identifies the provider who authorized the order. Only users identified as providers who are authorized to write medication orders may be selected.


Nature Of Order

This specifies how the order originated. An order can be specified as written on the chart, telephoned, or verbal. This data is stored and displayed through OE/RR.


On Call

Only active orders may be placed on call. Orders placed on call will continue to show under the active heading of the profile until it is taken off call. An entry is placed in the order's activity log recording the person who took the action and when it was taken.