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Tracking Consults Requests

When CPRS displays a request for a new consult, the user can take several actions from the Consult Tracking menu item:

·      Receive – When the request arrives at the specified service, the designated person, such as a clerk, can use Receive to change the consult status to active.

·      Schedule – The service can schedule a consult, which makes the consult available to be resulted.

·      Cancel (Deny) – A consult service may cancel or deny a consult request because of incomplete information or for some other reason. The consult requester is then notified that the consult was canceled so that the requester can take appropriate action.

·      Discontinue – The user can discontinue a consult if it is no longer needed.

·      Forward – The user can forward a consult if the user is not the appropriate person for the consult.

·      Add Comment – The user can add comments and designate to whom the comment should go in an alert.

·      Significant Findings – The user can add significant findings and designate them as such.


Many of the above actions send an alert to the recipients for the service and/or back to the requester to let them know that the status of the request has changed or that some has taken some action on the request.

CPRS alert recipients follow these rules:

·      When a user takes an action on a consult that generates an alert, that individual should not receive the alert.

·      If an ordering provider, that is a member of a consult team, takes an action on a consult, the alert should be sent to the consult team and not to the ordering provider.

·      If an unrestricted access user, that is not the ordering provider or a member of the consult team, acts on a consult, the alert should be sent to both the consult team and the ordering provider.


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