Refilling a Medication

Users can order a refill of outpatient medications if:

·      The medication is an outpatient medication.

·      The provider originally wrote the order with refills and there are refills remaining.

·      The expiration date is in the past.


To order an outpatient medication refill, use these steps:

1.     Go to the Meds tab.

2.     Select the medications you wish to refill that meet the above criteria.

3.     Select Action | Refill... or right-click on the orders and select Refill... from the popup.

The following dialog displays.

the refill orders dialog

In the Refill Orders dialog, CPRS displays the medications the user selected to refill and enables the user to choose the pick method.


4.     In the Refill Orders dialog, choose the Pick Up method (at Window, by Mail, or in Clinic).

5.     Select OK.


Related Topics

Viewing Medications

Ordering Inpatient Medications (Simple Dose)

Ordering Inpatient Medications (Complex Dose)

Ordering Outpatient Medications (Simple Dose)

Ordering Outpatient Medications (Complex Dose)

Change Medication Order

Discontinue Medication Order

Hold Medication Order

Renew Medication Order

Other Medication Actions (popup menu)