Home > Using CPRS > Medications > Renew Medication
Only active orders or those which have been expired less than 24 hours may be renewed. Users can only renew Inpatient Medication orders for outpatients (IMO) if the patient is in an authorized IMO location.
Note: If the original order had comments, the comments do not carry over when the user renews an order. This is to prevent comments that should only apply to the original order from mistakenly being carried forward with the renewed order.
The default Start Date/Time for a renewal order is determined as follows:
· Default Start Date Calculation = NOW
The default start date/time for the renewal order will be the order's Login Date/time.
· Default Start Date Calculation = USE NEXT ADMIN TIME
The original order's Start Date/Time, the new order's Login Date/Time, Schedule, and Administration Times are used to find the next date/time the order is to be administered after the new order's Login Date/Time. If the schedule contains "PRN" any administration times for the order are ignored.
· Default Start Date Calculation = USE CLOSEST ADMIN TIME
The original order's Start Date/Time, the new order's Login Date/Time, Schedule, and Administration Times are used to find the closest date/time the order is to be administered after the new order's Login Date/Time. If the schedule contains "PRN" any administration times for the order are ignored.
After the new (renewal) order is accepted, the Start Date/Time for the new order becomes the Stop Date/Time for the original (renewed) order. The original order's status is changed to RENEWED. The renewal and renewed orders are linked and may be viewed using the History Log function. Once an order has been renewed it may not be renewed or edited.
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