Ordering Early/Late Trays

To order early or late trays, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Orders tab.
  2. Select Diet in the Write Orders list.
  3. Note:      The Encounter Information dialog appears if no encounter information has been entered.

  4. If there is a conflict, ensure that the order you are entering will not create a problem with a current or delayed diet order.
  5. Select the Early/Late Tray tab.
  6. Select the mean (Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner).
  7. Select the time you want the tray delivered.
  8. Enter the Start Date/Time using the following steps:
    1. Select the calendar button image\CPRS0029.gif in the Start Date/Time field.
    2. Choose the date. Arrows to the right and left of the month allow you to change the month. You then click on the desired day in the calendar shown.
    3. Choose a time. You can click on the hour and the minutes, choose Now, or choose midnight. Select OK.

  9. Enter the Stop Date/Time (use step a-c above except use the Stop date).
  10. Select the days of the week that you want the tray delivered at this time.
  11. Select Accept Order.
  12. When finished, select Quit.

Note:      The order must be signed before it is sent. You can either sign the order now or wait until later.


Related Topics

Regular Diet Orders

Tubefeeding Orders

Early/Late Tray Order


Additional Diet Order

How to Write Orders (overview)