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Entering Simple Supply Orders

Ordering supplies has changed a little in CPRS. Previously, supplies were included in the Medication Order dialog. This was not an ideal situation because those who might only be tasked with ordering supplies might inadvertently select a medication. In addition, nurses and clerk might also have to have additional permissions to order supplies that would allow them to order medications as well.

To place simple supply orders, use the following steps:

  1. On the Order tab under the Write Orders pane, select Supplies.
  2. In the Supplies order dialog, select the item from the list (you can type part of its name in the text box to move to that part of the list and then select the item).
  3. On the Dosage tab, select or type a dosage.
  4. If a Route is needed, select or type an acceptable route.
  5. Select a schedule.
  6. Type any comments.
  7. Type a Days Supply.
  8. Type a Quantity.
  9. Enter a number of Refills.
  10. Under Pick up, select how patient will receive the supply: Clinic, Mail, or Window.
  11. Under Priority, use the drop-down box to select the priority.
  12. Review the order text at the bottom of the dialog. If it is correct, select Accept Order. If something is not correct, correct that portion that is wrong. To cancel the process, select Quit


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