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# $This will save all changes made on any of the tabbed sheets and exit. Some changes may not take effect until you close the CPRS chart and reopen it. If you use a button on any of the tabbed sheets that brings up a new form, those changes are saved when using the OK button on that form.
# $This will exit without saving changes. If you use a button on any of the tabbed sheets that brings up a new form, those changes are saved when using the OK button on that form.
# $This will save all changes made on any of the tabbed sheets but it will not exit you from this form. If you use a button on any of the tabbed sheets that brings up a new form, those changes are saved when using the OK button on that form.
# $Enter a date range by entering a start and stop date. Examples of valid entries include: T+3, Today - 2, Now, T+3W, Today - 1Y, T-2M, T+33D, etc. This date range will be used to return appointment and visit information on the cover sheet.
# $This will save all changes made on this form and exit. Some changes may not take effect until you close the CPRS chart and reopen it.
# $The print name, name and class of the reminder is displayed. These reminders will be displayed on the cover sheet in this order. To change the order use the ‘^’ or ‘v’ buttons. To remove a notification from being displayed, double-click it or use the ‘<’ button. Right-clicking when a single reminder is selected provides a description of that reminder.
# $The print name, name and class of the reminder is displayed. These reminders are not being displayed on the cover sheet. To have them display, use the ‘>’ button selected entries or double-click a single entry. Right-clicking when a single reminder is selected provides a description of that reminder.
# $Checking this box indicates a MailMan bulletin will be sent to the order's Current Provider (usually the Ordering Provider) when the order is flagged for clarification.
# $Choose the method for sorting notifications when displayed. Methods include: by Patient, by Type (Notification name), and by Urgency. Within these sort methods notifications are presented in reverse chronological order.
# $These are all available notifications. You may turn on or off a specific notification by checking the check box or by double-clicking the notification. You cannot edit notifications that are marked as Mandatory. Clicking the header of the list will sort by that category. Right-clicking a notification provides a description.
# $These are all available order checks. Depending on your facilities policies, you may or may not be allowed to turn on or off these order checks. If a check box is available you may change its value checking it or by double-clicking the order check. Clicking the header of the list will sort by that category. Right-clicking an order check provides a description.
# $Select the list source to use when selecting patients. The source will determine which default will be used (e.g. if Primary Provider is your source then the patients displayed for selection will those matching your default Primary Provider entry; if Clinic is your source, the default will be that clinic entry for the day of the week when making selections).
# $Enter the default Clinic for patient selection. This default is used when your list source is Clinic. You may set different clinics for different days of the week.
# $Enter a date range by entering a start and stop date. Examples of valid entries include: T+3, Today – 2, Now, T+3W, Today – 1Y, T-2M, T+33D, etc. This date range will be used to display patients having appointments when selecting a patient.
# $Add patients to your personal list by selecting patients and using the Add or Add All buttons. You can select multiple specific patients by using ctrl-clicks or shift-click. You can also add a single patient by double clicking. Once you have completed adding and removing patients for your personal list, use the Save Changes button. You can right-click on a patient for additional identification information.
# $Remove patients to your personal list by selecting patients and using the Remove or Remove All buttons. You can select multiple specific patients by using ctrl-clicks or shift-click. You can also remove a single patient by double clicking. Once you have completed adding and removing patients for your personal list, use the Save Changes button. You can right click on a patient for additional identification information.
# $Saves patients to this personal list. These patients will remain on this list until removed by you. Personal lists are not automatically updated. You must make changes to the lists yourself.
# $Click this button to remove yourself as a team member on the selected team. You cannot remove yourself from your personal lists (use the personal lists options to delete a personal list).
# $Check this box, if you wish to include your personal lists so that you can see which patients are included on those lists. You cannot remove yourself from a personal list.
# $Check this box to restrict the display of patients and team members to only those that are included on all the teams that were selected.
# $This will remove the user you have designated as being your surrogate. Alerts will now be delivered to you. This user will receive a MailMan message notifying them you have made this change. You must click on the OK button after making this change.
# $Enter a user to be your surrogate. All your alerts will be forwarded to this person. You may specify a date range for this to be in effect. The user will receive a MailMan message notifying them you have designated them as your surrogate.
# $Set a date range for when this surrogate will receive your alerts. If no date range is set, the user will receive alerts until you remove them as your surrogate.
# $Check this box, if you want the chart to open with the last tab used when you select a new patient. If not checked, the chart will open to the tab selected under Initial tab when CPRS starts.
# $These are the entries used in your combination list definition. Remove entries to your combination list by selecting an entry and using the Remove button or double click the entry. You can sort the entries by clicking on the header category.
# $If this box is checked, the window that allows the user to change a note title will appear whenever the user starts to enter a new note, even if they have a default title. If this box is not checked, -and- the user has a default title, that title will be automatically loaded when a new note is entered.
# $Select the person who will usually cosign your Progress Notes. This is the provider whose name will appear as the default for the expected cosigner for the Progress Notes you author.
# $Select the parent group to which the document list belongs. For example, Progress Notes, will list all the document titles for Progress Notes.
# $Saves changes to your list of titles. Use this button to save changes to your list of titles and then modify other document classes. If you click the OK button changes to your list of titles are also saved and you will exit this form.
# $These titles are titles you commonly select from when composing a document. For example, you can compose a list of all the titles you commonly use for progress notes.
# $Change the date range of clinic visits when selecting patients by clinic. This displays only those patients with appointments during this date range.
# HASHX_00000000
# Clinical_Reminders
$Clinical Reminders
# Other_Parameters
$Other Parameters
# OK_button
$OK button
# Cancel_button
$Cancel button
# Apply_button
$Apply button
# Use_Defaults_-_Lab
$Use Defaults - Lab
# Use_Defaults_-_Visits
$Use Defaults - Visits
# Inpatient_Days
$Inpatient Days
# Outpatient_Days
$Outpatient Days
# Start-Stop
# OK_button_2
$OK button 2
# Cancel_button_2
$Cancel button 2
# Up_arrow
$Up arrow
# Down_arrow
$Down arrow
# Left_arrow
$Left arrow
# Right_arrow
$Right arrow
# Reminders_being_displayed
$Reminders being displayed
# Reminders_not_being_displayed
$Reminders not being displayed
# Sort_(Clinical_Reminders)_by
$Sort (Clinical Reminders) by
# Remove_Pending_Notifications
$Remove Pending Notifications
# Send_MailMan_bulletin
$Send MailMan bulletin
# Surrogate_Settings
$Surrogate Settings
# Display_Sort
$Display Sort
# Notifications_list
$Notifications list
# Order_Check_list
$Order Check list
# Patient_Selection_Defaults
$Patient Selection Defaults
# Personal_Lists
$Personal Lists
# Teams_Information
$Teams Information
# Source_Combinations
$Source Combinations
# List_Source
$List Source
# Sort_Order
$Sort Order
# Primary_Provider
$Primary Provider
# Treating_Specialty
$Treating Specialty
# Team/Personal
# Ward
# Monday-Sunday
# Start-Stop_(Patient_Selection)
$Start-Stop (Patient Selection)
# Select_Patients_by
$Select Patients by
# Patient
# Patients_to_add
$Patients to add
# Personal_Lists_(Personal_Lists)
$Personal Lists (Personal Lists)
# Patients_on_personal_list
$Patients on personal list
# Add_button_(Personal_Lists)
$Add button (Personal Lists)
# Add_All_button_(Personal_Lists)
$Add All button (Personal Lists)
# Remove_button_(Personal_Lists)
$Remove button (Personal Lists)
# Remove_All_button_(Personal_Lists)
$Remove All button (Personal Lists)
# Save_Changes_button_(Personal_Lists)
$Save Changes button (Personal Lists)
# New_List_button
$New List button
# Delete_List_button
$Delete List button
# New_Personal_List_field
$New Personal List field
# Patients_on_selected_teams
$Patients on selected teams
# You_are_on_these_teams
$You are on these teams
# Team_members
$Team members
# Remove_yourself_from_this_team
$Remove yourself from this team
# Subscribe_to_a_team
$Subscribe to a team
# Include_personal_lists
$Include personal lists
# Not_Visible
$Not Visible
# Close_button
$Close button
# Remove_Surrogate
$Remove Surrogate
# Surrogate
# Surrogate_Date_Range
$Surrogate Date Range
# Initial_tabe_when_CPRS_starts
$Initial tabe when CPRS starts
# Use_last_selected_tab
$Use last selected tab
# Use_Defaults_(Imaging)
$Use Defaults (Imaging)
# Maximum_number
$Maximum number
# Start-Stop_(Imaging)
$Start-Stop (Imaging)
# Select_source_by
$Select source by
# Ward_(Source_Combinations)
$Ward (Source Combinations)
# Combinations
# Add_button_(Source_Combinations)
$Add button (Source Combinations)
# Remove_button_(Source_Combinations)
$Remove button (Source Combinations)
# Notes_button
$Notes button
# Document_Titles_button
$Document Titles button
# Interval_for_autosave
$Interval for autosave
# Verify_note_title
$Verify note title
# Ask_subject
$Ask subject
# Default_cosigner
$Default cosigner
# Document_class
$Document class
# Document_titles
$Document titles
# Add_button_(Document_Titles)
$Add button (Document Titles)
# Remove_button_(Document_Titles)
$Remove button (Document Titles)
# Save_Changes_(Document_Titles)
$Save Changes (Document Titles)
# Remove_Default_button
$Remove Default button
# Your_list_of_titles
$Your list of titles
# Clinic_Date_Range
$Clinic Date Range