Home > Using CPRS > Ordering > Diets and Outpatient Meals > Diet Orders > Tubefeeding Diet Order


Tubefeeding Diet Order

To place a tubefeeding diet order, follow these steps:

1.     Select the Orders tab.

2.     Select the active orders view from the View Orders pane


select View | Active Orders (includes pending, recent activity).


3.     Select Diet in the Write Orders list box.

4.     If there is a conflict, ensure that the order you are entering will not create a problem with a current or delayed diet order.

The Diet Order dialog will appear.

Note     The diet order may be labeled differently or may not be available from your Write Orders field.

Note     The encounter information dialog may appear before the Diet Order dialog if you have not entered encounter information. If the encounter information dialog appears, enter the necessary information and click OK.


5.     Select the Tubefeeding tab.

6.     Select a tubefeeding product from the list.

7.     Select a strength and a quantity from the grid on the right side of the dialog.

CPRS will automatically complete the Amount field if it needs to multiplied as a result of the schedule. If there is a problem with the Quantity, CPRS displays a dialog with text to help the user know how to enter an acceptable value.

Note:      You can remove a product by selecting the product and pressing Remove.


8.     If you would like to cancel future tray orders, select the "Cancel Future TRAY Orders" checkbox.

9.     Enter any special instructions.

10.     Select Accept Order.


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Regular Diet Orders

Early / Late Tray Orders

Isolations / Precautions Order

Additional Diet Order

Writing Orders (overview)