Home > Using CPRS > Ordering > Other types of orders > Text Orders


Text Only Orders

Text only orders such as Parameters, Activity, Patient Care, and Free Text orders are different kinds of orders that are placed for nursing and ward staff to take action on. They print only at the patient's ward/location, and are not transmitted electronically to other services.

Examples of text only orders include:

Order Type Order

Parameters Vital signs

Activity  Bed rest, ambulate, up in chair

Patient Care Skin and wound care, drains, hemodynamics

Free text Immunizations


Predefined nursing orders (quick orders) may be available under various sub-menus.

To place a text only order, follow these steps:

1.     Select the Orders tab.

2.     Select the active orders view from the View Orders pane.

3.     Select Text Only Order in the Write Orders list box.

The Word Processing Order dialog will appear.

Note     The text only order may be labeled differently or may not be available from your Write Orders list.


4.     Enter the text for the order in the Order field.

5.     Enter a start date and time by doing one of the following:

    entering a date (e.g. 6/21/01 or June 21, 2001).

    entering a date formula (e.g. t-200).

    pressing the the calendar button button to bring up a calendar.


6.     Enter a stop date and time by doing one of the following:

o     entering a date (e.g. 6/21/01 or June 21, 2001).

    entering a date formula (e.g. t-200).

    pressing the the calendar button button to bring up a calendar.


7.     Select Accept Order.

8.     Enter another order


select Quit.


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