Home > Using CPRS > Selecting a Patient
To select a patient, you can narrow the patient list by selecting provider, team, specialty, clinic, or ward under the Patient List heading (located on the left-side of the window) to group the patient list or you may search the entire list. If you select a category, CPRS displays the associated patients in the Patients list box, followed by a line, and then the comprehensive patient list. Your Clinical Coordinator will usually create the lists for the teams, wards, and so on, but you can create personal lists using Tools | Options.
To locate a patient name, you can either type in part or all of their name, the social security number, or the first letter of the patient's last name and last four digits of the social security number. When you stop typing, CPRS will use what you entered to search the patient list and bring up that part of the patient list, highlight a possible match, and display the patient's demographic information under the Cancel button.
To open a patient record, use these steps:
1. If you are just opening CPRS, skip to step 2. Otherwise, select File | Select New Patient....
Note: If you have just entered orders or documents that are unsigned, a screen will pop up asking you to review / sign the changes.
2. In the Patient Selection screen, use one of the following methods to choose a patient:
o Type the patient's social security number with or without dashes (000-44-4444 or 000444444); or the full social security number with "P" as the last character (000-44-4444p, or 000444444p).
o Type all or part of the patient's last name or the patient's entire name.
o Type the first letter of the patient's last name and the last four digit of the patient's Social Security number (c4444).
CPRS will try to match what you entered to a patient and highlight that patient. The patient's name and other information will appear below the Cancel button.
Note: CPRS now only auto-selects (highlights in blue and places that entry in the field) a patient name if the user types enough characters to uniquely identify a name in the list. If the user does not enter enough characters to uniquely identify an item, CPRS waits until the user explicitly selects an item using the mouse or the keyboard.
3. Verify that the correct patient is highlighted. If the correct patient is highlighted, select OK. If the correct patient is not highlighted, scroll through to find the correct patient, highlight the name, and then select OK.
When you click OK, CPRS opens to the Cover Sheet (unless you have set this to a different tab, which you can do using Tools | Options).
You can also use the radio buttons under the Patient List heading (located on the left-side of the window) to group the patient list according to provider, team, specialty, clinic, or ward. When you select a specific list for a provider, team, specialty, clinic, or ward, CPRS will display the associated patients in the Patients list box, followed by a line, and then the comprehensive patient list. You can then scroll to find the name. Your Clinical Coordinator will usually create the lists for the teams, wards, and so on.
How CPRS Sorts Names
VistA software uses a set of characters that include uppercase and lowercase Latin alphabetic characters (A-Z, a-z), numbers (0-9), and other special characters.
This is important because of how names are sorted if the user is searching for a partial name. If VistA has stored characters other than the Latin alphabetic and numeric, such as ñ, and the user does a partial search (types in only part of the name, for example), the names may not display in the order the user expects.
For example, if you had patients or clinicians with names like Pina, Piña, Piñon, Pine, Pinto, Pitcher, Pitt, Pixon, and Pizzelo, and the Piña and Piñon were entered with an ñ. If the user typed in "pi" as what CPRS should search for, CPRS would display the names as shown below:
Note that Piña is after Pizzelo. This is because VistA sorts these characters based on their numeric values in the character set VistA uses. For example, in that table, the number for lowercase "a" might be 97, "z" might be 122, and "ñ" might be 241. Characters other than the uppercase and lowercase Latin alphabetic characters and numbers, such as ñ or the tilde (~) will display wherever their numeric equivalent falls, which is generally after z.
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