Inserting Patient Data Objects

When creating a note, consult or discharge summary, current data from the selected patients file may need to be included. A quick and easy way to include such data objects it to create a template that automatically includes the needed data.

1.     While editing a template, select Edit | Insert Patient Data (Object).

2.     From the Insert Patient Data (Object) dialog, scroll through the list of available patient data objects or type the first few letters of the object name in the field to highlight the desired data object.

3.     Select Insert Object.

4.     Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each data object you want to insert into the template.

5.     After inserting all desired data objects select Done.

6.     You may review the template appearance by selecting Edit | Preview/Print Template.

Note:      The Insert Patient Data (Object) dialog is non-modal and can be boilerplated at will.