Customizing the Surgery Tab

Note     The Surgery tab will only be visible if your site is configured to use the tab, if you have the correct access permissions, and Surgery patch SR*3.0*100 is installed.

You can limit the surgery cases that appear on the Surgery tab. You can specify that only surgery cases from a specific date or date range appear on the tab, or you can specify that all available surgery cases appear.

To limit the surgery cases displayed to a specific date range, follow these steps:

1.     Select the Surgery tab.

2.     Select View | Custom View.

The List Selected Cases dialog box appears.


3.     Select a start date by selecting in the appropriate field and doing one of the following:

o    entering a date (e.g. 6/21/01 or June 21, 2001).

o    entering a date formula (e.g. t-200).

o    pressing the The date button button to bring up a calendar.


4.     Select stop date by selecting in the appropriate field and doing one of the following:

o    entering a date (e.g. 6/21/01 or June 21, 2001).

o    entering a date formula (e.g. t-200).

o    pressing the The date button button to bring up a calendar.


5.     Enter the maximum number of occurrences you would like to display in the Max Number to Return field.

6.     Select a surgery case sort order (ascending or descending).

7.     Select a category to group the surgery cases by (from the Group By drop-down list).

8.     Select a case report sort order (ascending or descending).

9.     Select a category to sort case reports by (from the Sort By drop-down list).

10.   Select OK.

The appropriate surgery cases will appear in the details pane.


11.    Select the "+" sign to expand a heading (if necessary).


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Surgery Tab

Creating an Addendum to a Surgery Report

Finding Specific Text in a Document

Signing a Surgery Report

Viewing all Surgery Cases for a Patient