Users can only copy Inpatient Medication orders for outpatients (IMO) if the patient is in an authorized IMO location.
To copy an existing order to a new order, follow these steps:
1. Select the Orders tab.
2. Select the type of order you would like to copy from the View Orders pane.
3. Select the order or orders you want to copy from the detail pane on the right- side of the screen. Hold down the CTRL key and click on the desired orders to select more than one order. Hold down the SHIFT key and click on the first and last desired orders to select a range of orders.
4. Select Action | Copy to New Order...
right-click on a selected order and select Copy to New Order....
The Copy Orders dialog appears.
5. From the Copy Orders dialog, select either Release copied orders immediately or Delay release of copied orders.
6. If you chose Release copied orders immediately, skip to step 8. If you chose Delay release of copied orders, select the event that should occur before the order(s) are released.
7. Select OK.
8. If necessary, choose the specialty or admission location.
9. An order verification dialog box will appear. If the order does not require changes, click Accept (or Accept Order). If the order requires changes, click Edit (or make the appropriate changes) and click Accept Order.
Note: The original order's comments are not brought forward on a copy to prevent inadvertently using a comment that was only for the original order.
10. When finished, you can sign the orders or wait until later.
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