This file was updated in May 2018 with the following note: ============================================================ This note provides information on BCMA GUI v.3.0*96 Two factor authentication, which is implemented with PSB*3.0*96, requires RPC Broker patch XWB*1.1*64 to be installed on the server. Please refer to patch PSB*3.0*96 Description for BCMA GUI v.3.0*96 installation details ================================================ May, 2018 This is the Readme file for Bar Code Med Admin (BCMA) V3 ============================================================================= Initial Setup ============= The following setup MUST be done to run the BCMA software successfully. Server Setup Items ------------------ - RPC Broker XWB*1*26 must be installed on the server. - The BCMA server software must be installed. - A BrokerServer IP address and Port must be obtained from the server administrator. - Each BCMA user must have a valid VistA account on the BrokerServer and must have submenu, 'PSB GUI CONTEXT - USER', assigned to them. Client Setup Items ------------------ - XWB*1*29 must be installed on each PC. - The BCMA software should be INSTALLED on each PC. - A link must be established between the client and the server via the PC's Hosts file and the PC's Windows Registry. The Hosts file (no extension) is in: C:\WinNt\System32\Drivers\Etc - Windows 2000 or Windows XP If the Hosts file does not exist it must be created. (There may be a hosts.sam sample file already.) Note that, if you create the file with notepad, notepad automatically puts a .txt extension on it. To remove the extension, use Explorer to Rename it, leaving off the .txt. If the Hosts file exists already, don't delete anything. Just add the new information on the end. There are several possible scenarios: 1) If the user only needs to access ONE BCMA Server AND the ServerPort is 9200, then, add one line to the Hosts file: BrokerServer using the IP address provided by the server administrator. (There must be at least one space between the address and the name. There can be no spaces in the name itself.) 2) If the user only needs to access ONE BCMA Server AND the ServerPort is NOT 9200, then, add one line to the Hosts file as shown in scenario 1 and, either use the ServerList utility as in scenario 3) or use the command line parameters shown below. 3) If the user needs to access multiple BCMA Servers and/or the ServerPort is not 9200, add the BCMA Server names to the Hosts file (The names can be anything you like): BrokerServer1 152.222.333.444 BrokerServer2 Then use the Optional Command Line Parameters outlined below. Optional Command Line Parameters ================================ Note that each parameter must be continuous, with no spaces. They may be in any order. Parameters S and P are a set i.e., they must both be present or they will be ignored. Parameter Example(Default) Description -------------------------------------------------------------------------- S= S=BrokerServer The name of the BCMA BrokerServer as defined in the Hosts file. The default is 'BrokerServer'. P= P=9200 The serverport used by the BCMA BrokerServer. The default is 9200. L= L=C:\Temp The DOS path location for the BCMA Error Log file. Any legal DOS path will work. The default is 'C:\Temp'. T= T=300 RPC TimeOut in seconds. This is the amount of time BCMA will wait for a response from an RPC on VistA. If not defined, the default value is 300 seconds. If your VistA system's CPU utilization is near 100% and you frequently receive timeouts in GUI BCMA, you can increase this value. However, keep in mind, the higher the value, the longer BCMA will appear to hang until the RPC completes. The minimum value is 30 seconds. /NOLOGFILE This disables the Error Log. /DEBUG This turns on BrokerServer Debug screens. /NOCCOW Disables CCOW functionality Silent Installation =================== For information regarding a silent install of BCMA, see the BCMA help file and search for 'Installation Command Line Parameters'