Viewing Allergies/Adverse Reactions

CPRS displays a list of causative agents associated with patients' allergies or adverse reactions in the Allergies/Adverse Reactions pane on the Cover Sheet tab. If patients have causative agents listed in this pane, CPRS also displays the word Allergies in the Postings pane and the letter A (for allergies) on the Postings button. To view more information about a specific allergy or adverse reaction, click on the associated causative agent in the Allergies/Adverse Reactions pane. CPRS displays a comprehensive listing of the details associated with the causative agent you click.

You can obtain less comprehensive information about allergies and adverse reactions by clicking the word Allergies in the Postings pane. When you do this, CPRS displays information about the causative agents, severity, and signs/symptoms associated with patients' allergies and adverse reactions.


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