Tools Menu

The Tools menu allows you to quickly access other applications and utilities from within CPRS. Depending on the configuration of your site, the Tools menu may allow you to access other VistA applications such as VistA Imaging or connect you to third-party applications such as word-processing programs or Internet browsers. Talk to your clinical coordinator if you wish to add an application or utility to the Tools menu.

At the request of sites, CPRS added the ability to create nested or submenus (menus within menus) to help them organize the items that sites place on their Tools menus. The number of items was increased to 99 total items (including items and separator lines). Again, these items are placed on the menu and organized by a Clinical Application Coordinator (CAC) or someone with a similar role at your site.

The Tools menu also contains two standard menu items: Lab Test Information and Options...


Related Topics

Lab Test Information
