You evaluate reminders for two reasons:
· Before you process a reminder, to see if specific reminders in the Other category should be Applicable or should be Due for the selected patient (Evaluate Reminder)
· After you have processed a reminder, to ascertain if your actions during the encounter satisfied the reminder (Evaluate Processed Reminders)
You would use the Evaluate Reminder option to see if some reminders in the Other category should be applicable or due. For example, in a diabetic clinic, you might see a patient around flu season and evaluate the flu shot reminder in the other category to see if they need a flu shot.
For Evaluate Processed Reminders, remember that the satisfying a reminder may require more than you originally think. You may want to evaluate the reminders after you have processed them to make sure you have satisfied the reminder.
Note: PCE data may take a few minutes to be correctly recorded. Please wait a few minutes after processing a reminder before evaluating it again to ensure that it was satisfied.
To evaluate reminders, right-click in a tree view and select Evaluate Reminder or in the Available Reminders dialog choose Action | Evaluate Reminder or Action | Evaluate Processed Reminders.