Processing a Reminder

To process a reminder for a patient, use the following steps:

1.     If you have not already, begin a new progress note by clicking the Notes tab, then New Note, and then select a note title. (If prompted, enter the encounter location and provider.)

2.     Select the Reminders drawer to open its tree view or select the Reminders button to open a tree view of the reminders for this patient.

3.     Click the plus sign to expand the hierarchy where needed and click the reminder you will process.

Note:      If you click the reminders button, you can also choose Action | Process Reminders Due to begin with the first reminder due.

CPRS displays the dialog for processing reminders.


4.     Read the choices, click the check boxes in front of the items that apply to this patient, and enter any additional information requested such as comments, diagnoses, and so forth.

5.     When you are finished with this reminder, select another reminder or select Next to move to the next reminder.

6.     Repeat steps 4 and 5 as necessary to process the desired reminders.

7.     When you have processed all the reminders you want to do at this time, select Finish. If service-connected information is required for the encounter and note title, the Visit Info dialog will automatically appear. If needed, adjust the Vital Entry Date and Time field and click the appropriate Visit Related To check boxes.

8.     Review and finish your progress note and enter any information necessary in order dialogs.


Related topics

Moving to Another Reminder

Finishing Reminder Processing

Clearing a Single Reminder

Canceling Out of the Processing Dialog

Interface Tour: The Reminders Processing Dialog

Reminders Overview