Primary Care Information

Improvements are coming to the display of provider and team information that users see on the Primary Care button and in the detailed display that the user can view by selecting the Primary Care button. This section will show the display as it currently is and how it look after patch OR*3.0*387 (also referred to as PCMM Web) is full deployed. The patch deployment will be phased and may take up to a year. This section will explain how the display looks now and what it will look like after PCMM web is deployed.

When patch OR*3.0*387 is installed, users will immediately see changes in the Primary Care detailed display. Any changes to the items on the Primary Care button itself will be included in CPRS GUI v.31.

Current Display (CPRS v.30.b before OR*3.0*387)

To the immediate right of the Visit Encounter button is the Primary Care button on which, for an inpatient, CPRS displays might display as many as six items of information if all are assigned to this patient:

·      the Primary Care Management Module (PCMM) or primary care team (outpatient team)

·      primary care provider or PCP (outpatient provider)

·      the associate provider (outpatient provider)

·      the (Inpatient) attending provider

·      the (Inpatient) provider

·      the mental health treatment coordinator (for both an inpatient or an outpatient)

Definitions of different providers:

·      A Primary Care Provider (PCP) provides care to a patient at the time of first--non-emergent contact, which occurs on an outpatient basis.

·      An Associate Provider is usually the Resident working with a patient's PCP, and is providing outpatient primary care. (A Resident is a graduate and licensed physician receiving training in a specialty.)

·      An Attending Physician/Admitting Provider is the physician with primary responsibility for the care of a patient who is admitted to the hospital.

·      An Inpatient Provider is the Resident providing inpatient primary care.

·      A Mental Health Treatment Coordinator (MHTC) is the person who is designated to coordinator a patient's mental health needs.

·      Possible Providers for Inpatients

·      The items are arranged on the button as shown below in the diagram and then on the button itself:

<PCMM Team>   /   PCP: <name>    /   Associate PCP: <name>


Inpatient Attending: <name>   /   Provider: <name>


This screen capture shows the Primary Care team button with the various positions

This screen capture shows the Primary Care button for an inpatient with all the team items displayed and where they are displayed on the button. The first row has three possible items: the PCMM team, the Primary Care Provider, and the Associate Primary Care Provider. The second line has the inpatient provider information: Inpatient Attending or Admitting provider and the Inpatient Provider. The third line displays the Mental Health Treatment Coordinator.

This screen capture shows the top of the CPRS window with the Primary Care team button showing the various people assigned to an inpatient.

The Primary Care button for an inpatient with the primary care team, primary care provider, associate provider, attending physician, and mental health treatment coordinator showing

Possible Providers for Outpatients

For outpatients, CPRS might display up to four items:

·      the PCMM or primary care team (for an outpatient)

·      primary care provider (for an outpatient)

·      the associate provider (for an outpatient)

·      the mental health treatment coordinator (for both an inpatient or an outpatient)


The items are arranged on the button as shown below in the diagram and then on the button itself:

<PCMM Team>   /   PCP: <name>    /   Associate PCP: <name>


MH Treatment Coordinator: <name>

This screen capture shows how the Primary Care button would look for an outpatient if all team items are assigned. In the first row, CPRS displays the PCMM or primary care team, the primary care provider, and the associate primary care provider. The second row displays the mental health treatment coordinator.


This screen capture shows the top of the CPRS window with the Primary Care team button showing the various people assigned to an outpatient.

 The Primary Care button as shown for an outpatient with the primary care team, primary care provider, and mental health treatment coordinator

Primary Care Dialog's Assigned Providers Contact Information

When the user selects this button, CPRS displays a dialog containing the contact information for the above providers and the mental health treatment coordinator (MHTC).

Only the information that is available to CPRS is displayed. If the various providers have not been entered, only what has been entered will display. The message "Primary Care Team Unassigned" is displayed if a primary care team has not been assigned.

For more information on the providers listed on the button, select the Primary Care button to the display the Primary Care dialog as shown below.

The Primary Care dialog showing the details of team members assigned to the patient's primary care team.


The Primary Care Display after PCMM Web (OR*3.0*387) Installation

When the OR*3.0*387 (also known as PCMM Web) is deployed, you will see changes in the Primary Care detailed display

Information on the Primary Care Button

It is anticipated that there will be changes to the information displayed on the Primary Care button with the release of CPRS GUI v.31.

Information in the Primary Care Detailed Display

The changes to the Primary Care detailed display provide additional information for users regarding who has seen the patient and giving contact information for them. Several items have been added to the available information, such as information from different sites, additional information about the kinds of providers listed, and new labels for teams, etc.

All active team information will display regardless of station.

Some items only display if certain conditions are met. For example, if the patient is not an inpatient, no inpatient information is displayed. If an associate provider is not explicitly assigned to the patient, it will not display. If information is not entered for a team, no team information or labels will display.


Local versus Remote Sites

The detailed display shows whether the information that the user is viewing is local or remote. The detailed display can show both local and remote information at the same time. Sites will display in alphabetical order with all local sites first, then all remote sites, and finally any Non-VA providers that might be entered.

The format is to show the word “Local” or “Remote”, then the site name, and then the station number as the example below shows:


LOCAL – CHEYENNE (442) ||GREELEY CBOC (442GC) [B-03124]




After each entry such as those above, the team information will display. The middle item above is an example of how a community based outpatient clinic (CBOC) displays.

A site is labeled as remote if the first three numbers of the station are different from the first three of the station where the user is logged in. Local information is shown first followed by remote information.


Inpatient Information

If the patient is not an inpatient, the inpatient information will not display. Inpatient information displays in the following format:


Team Information

Team information will display under each heading if the information is available. Team information is displayed below the team name.

Optional information in the examples is shown in formatting surrounded by curved braces {}. Phone numbers will display if they are entered into PCMM.

There are five kinds of teams. Each is labeled as shown below and they are displayed in this order with local teams first and remote teams after:

  1. PACT: for Primary Care
  2. MH: for Mental Health
  3. OEF/OIF/OND: for Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation New Dawn
  4. SP: for Specialty Team
  5. Non-VA: for Non-VA Provider

Primary Care Team Information

Primary Care Team information for an outpatient could include the following:


There are several messages that can display if information is missing. Here are a few items to consider:


Mental Health Treatment Team Information

The Mental Health Treatment team information displays the following:

MH: MH Treatment Team Name

MHTC: MH Treatment Role Name, MH Treatment Coordinator Name, Phone, Pager

Note:   Any additional Mental Health teams will be displayed here.


OEF/OIF/OND Team Information


Lead Coordinator Name, LC phone, Pager

Note:   Any additional OEF/OIF/OND teams will be displayed here.


Specialty Team Information

SP: Specialty Team Name

Team Role Name, Team Member XXX Name, Phone, Pager

Note:   Any additional Specialty teams will be displayed here.


Non-VA Provider Information

Non-VA Role, Specialty Name, Non-VA Provider Name, Phone, City, State

Note:   Any additional Non-VA Providers teams will be displayed here.


Example Detailed Display Formats


LOCAL – Station Name (#) or

LOCAL – VAMC Station Name (#) || Station Name (#)

{           Inpatient Attending:    [Name]||PHONE: [Phone #]||PAGER: [Pager]

            Inpatient Provider:      [Name]||PHONE: [Phone #]||PAGER: [Pager] }



PACT: {PENDING:} [Primary Care Team Name]

            Primary Care Provider: [PCP Name]||PHONE: [PCP Phone]||PAGER: [Pager]}

Associate Provider: [AP Name]||PHONE: [AP Phone]||PAGER: [Pager]

Administrative POC: [Team Role]||[Admin POC Name]||PHONE: [Admin POC   Phone]||PAGER: [Pager]

Clinical POC: [Team Role]||[Clinical POC Name]||PHONE: [Clinical POC Phone]||PAGER: [Pager]


{LOCAL or REMOTE – Station Name (#)}

MH: MH Treatment Team Name]

(MHTC) [MH Treatment Role Name]||[MH Treatment Coordinator Name]||PHONE: [Phone]||PAGER: [Pager]


{LOCAL or REMOTE – Station Name (#)}


LEAD COORDINATOR: [Lead Coordinator Name]||PHONE: [Phone]||PAGER: [Pager]


{LOCAL or REMOTE – Station Name (#)}

SP: [Specialty Team Name]

[Team Role Name]||[ Team Member XXX Name]||PHONE: [Phone]||PAGER: [Pager]


Non-VA: [Non-VA Role||Specialty Name]||[Provider Name]||PHONE: [Phone]||[City], [ST]