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Ordering Outpatient Special Meals

Users order special meals for a meal that must be ordered today and is a one-time occurrence instead of a recurring meal. The same Available Diets and default diet that sites defined recurring outpatient meals are used in this dialog. Sites must set up the Available Diet selections in the Nutrition and Food Service package through the List Manager interface. If these outpatient diets are not set up, the user will not be allowed to order outpatient meals.

Sites can designate up to 15 outpatient diets, the first of which is the default. The 15 selections and their synonyms display under Available meals for selection when the user selects the drop-down list. The first diet is the default and is displayed under Selected Diet when the user selects the Recurring Meal menu item.

If a special meal order generates a meal voucher, the meal voucher requires a signature. If the user placing the order can authorize the meal voucher (holds the FHAUTH key), the meal voucher will be "signed" when that person signs the order in CPRS. If the ordering user cannot authorize it, the meal voucher is printed without a signature and must be manually signed.

To order a special meal, use the following steps:

1.     Select the Orders tab.

2.     Select the active orders view from the View Orders pane


select View | Active Orders (includes pending, recent activity).


3.     Select Dietetic Orders from the Write Orders pane.

4.     Select the Outpatient Special Meal menu item.

5.     Select the appropriate diet under Available Diets, or if the default is correct, you may simply use it.

6.     Select the appropriate time (Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner) under Recurring Meal. The default is none selected.

7.     Select the method of Delivery.

8.     Review the order text in the field at the bottom of the dialog for accuracy.

9.     Select Accept Order.

10.   When finished, select Quit.


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