Ordering Imaging/Radiology

The Reason for Study and the Clinical History fields are now two separate entries. Developers made this change to support a new system. The Reason for Study field is now required and has a limit of 64 characters (numbers, letters, space, and punctuation). The Clinical History field is optional and has no character limit.

To order any type of imaging, such as an x-ray or a nuclear medicine exam or procedure, follow these steps:

1.     Select the Orders tab.

2.     Select the active orders view from the View Orders pane


select View | Active Orders (includes pending, recent activity).


3.     Select Imaging in the Write Orders list box.

Note:      The imaging order may be labeled differently or may not be available from your Write Orders field.


The Order an Imaging Procedure dialog displays.

Note    If encounter information has not been entered, the encounter information dialog will appear before the Order an Imaging Procedure dialog. You must complete the encounter information dialog before proceeding.


4.     Select the desired imaging type in the Imaging Type field.

5.     Select a procedure from the Imaging Procedure list box.

6.     Select an available modifier from the Available Modifiers field.

The modifier(s) you select will be displayed in the Selected Modifiers field.

Note     You can remove a modifier by selecting the modifier and clicking Remove.


7.     Enter a reason for the exam in the Reason for Study field. (This is a required field that allows a maximum of 64 characters--which includes letters, numbers, punctuation, and spaces.)

8.     (Optional) If wanted, enter the history in the Clinical History field (If you enter anything, it must be at least two consecutive alphanumeric characters).

9.     If necessary, change the Requested Date, Urgency, Transport, and Category fields.

Note:     The Date Desired previously defaulted to TODAY, but this default has been removed from most orders. The user will need to enter the Date Desired.


10.   Complete the Submit To field (if necessary).

11.   Check the Isolation check box (if necessary).

12.   Select the appropriate answer (Yes, No, or Unknown) in the Pregnant field.

13.   Select the time that the PreOp is scheduled by doing one of the following:

o    entering a date (e.g. 6/21/01 or June 21, 2001)

o   entering a date formula (e.g. t-200)

o   pressing the The calendar button that enables the user to select a date from a graphic control button to bring up a calendar


14.   Select Accept Order.

15.   Enter another order


select Quit.


Related Topics

Viewing Imaging/Radiology Orders

Viewing Imaging/Radiology Results