This tab allows you to change your notification options. Click the check box if you wish to have MailMan send you a bulletin for flagged orders.
Surrogate Settings...
To set a surrogate, click
on Surrogate Settings... from the Surrogate for Notifications dialog,
select a surrogate from the drop-down list. When saved, the surrogate
information is displayed on the Notifications tab. To set a surrogate
date range, click on Surrogate
Date Range... from
the Date Range dialog, click on the button and select a start date and a stop
date. You may
also select a start time and a stop time for the surrogate. When saved,
the surrogate date range information is displayed on the Surrogate for
Notifications dialog.
Remove Pending Notifications...
WARNING: When a provider is identified as a surrogate for another user for a designated period of time, notifications from the original user are sent to the surrogate. If a surrogate user chooses to use this button to remove pending notifications, all alerts are deleted, even if they are for actions such as requiring signature. The alerts are deleted not only for the surrogate but also the user they are a surrogate for. The alerts are permanently deleted for the surrogate, never to be regenerated, even if they have not been processed. However, if the alerts have not been processed by the surrogate, some may be returned to the original user based on a certain set of rules implemented in the Kernel.
The following are the set of rules. When the surrogacy period expires and unprocessed surrogate alerts have not been returned yet, the alerts sent to the surrogate(s) for the user are checked.
§ If the surrogate has processed an alert, it is ignored.
§ If the surrogate has not processed an alert originally intended for the user, it is returned to the originally intended recipient.
§ If the unprocessed alert was also sent to the surrogate as an initial recipient, then the alert is also retained by the surrogate.
§ If the alert was forwarded to the surrogate, but meant only to be sent to the original user, then the alert is electronically removed from the surrogate's notification list.
§ Any unprocessed alerts that are retained by the surrogate will require manual intervention to remove them.
There is no difference in how informational vs. action notifications are managed with respect to surrogacy. The above rules are applicable regardless of the type of notification.
Please use care when using this button to remove pending notifications, especially if you are designated as a surrogate for another user, as patient care may be delayed until the original provider returns.
To remove pending notifications, if necessary, use the following steps:
1. Select the Remove Pending Notifications button and then on Yes on the Warning dialog to clear all of your current pending notifications. (This button is enabled only if you are authorized to use it.)
2. If you are sure you want to remove the pending notifications, select Yes.
Display Sort
Select on the Display Sort drop-down field to select the sort method for your notifications. Choices include Patient, Type, and Urgency.
Notifications list
Select the check box next to any notification to enable or disable it. Notifications with "Mandatory" in the Comment column cannot be turned off or disabled. Click the heading to sort notifications so that you can see which are turned on and which are turned off.
Related Topics
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Order Checks Tab (Tools | Options)
Lists/Teams Tab (Tools | Options)