You can import existing document template files (.txml), Microsoft Word files (Word 97 or higher), or XML files into the CPRS Template Editor.
To import a template, follow these steps:
1. Start the Template Editor.
2. Browse to the file cabinet or folder where you would like to store the imported template (click "+" to expand a heading).
Note: In order to import a template to the Shared Templates area of the screen, you must, 1) be authorized to edit shared temples and 2) place a check in the Edit Shared Templates check box (located in the lower left side of the Template Editor).
3. Select Tools | Import Template.
4. Select the file you would like to import and click Open.
The template will appear in the Template Editor.
Note: If you do not have authorization to edit template fields, you may see a dialog with a message that the imported template has one or more new fields and you do not have authority to create new fields.
5. If you press OK, the template will be imported without the new fields. If you press Cancel, the import process will be cancelled.
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