With the Identify Additional Signers feature, you can select other individuals that you want to sign a note or discharge summary. Once you have selected the additional signers, CPRS will send them an alert that indicates a note is ready for them to sign.
The Identify Additional Signers feature helps you ensure that team members see a note. For example, one psychiatrist might identify another psychiatrist to sign the note to ensure that he or she agrees with an assessment.
To identify additional signers, use these steps:
1. Select the Notes or DC/Summ tab.
2. Select a signed note or discharge summary.
3. Select Action | Identify Additional Signers
right-click in the main text area and select Identify Additional Signers.
4. To identify a signer, locate the person's name (scroll or type in the first few letters of the last name) and select it.
Note: For a Discharge Summary, if a user requires a cosigner (such as a student or other type of clinician), that user's name should not appear in the list of potential cosigners. Additionally, for all types of documents, to help users distinguish between providers, CPRS displays their titles (if available). When two or more providers have identical names, CPRS also displays the following information.
5. Repeat step 4 as needed.
6. (Optional) To remove a name select the name under Current Additional Signers and select Remove.
7. When finished, select OK.
Related topics
Electronic Signature (overview)
Sign Note Now and Sign Discharge Summary Now Commands
Signing Orders before Selecting a New Patient or Exiting CPRS