A new application called Group Notes enables authorized users to write progress notes and enter encounter information for a group of patients. Users can enter text and encounter information that applies to the entire group of patients and then add information to individual patient's notes and encounters, but sign all the notes at the same time.
Group Notes is a separate application from CPRS. Sites can put an icon on the desktop or authorized personnel at the site can place an item Tools menu. To use the Group Notes application, a user must be given a key (OR GN ACCESS) and choose a location that allows group notes (set in the OR GN LOCATIONS parameter). To find out more about Group Notes, please look for the manuals under Group Notes on the VistA Documentation Library (http://www.va.gov/vdl/).
Once the notes are signed in the Group Notes application, they are stored in TIU and displayed in CPRS like any other progress note. Thus, they are not a different kind of note, but simply notes created in a way that speeds text entry and signing for a group of patients that have the same treatment or therapy while still allowing personalization of each note and encounter for the patient.