Flagging an Order

With CPRS, you can flag an order to draw attention to it. When an order is flagged, the word "Flagged" will appear in the Orders column and a red box will appear in the Service or Event column. The order will remain flagged until someone "unflags" the order. CPRS records the name of the person who flagged the order and the date and time that it was flagged.

If the applicable CPRS parameter is set to automatically unflag orders, processing the alert from the order unflags the order for the user. When the user processes the order, CPRS displays the reason for the flag in the order text on the Orders tab.

To flag an order, use these steps:

1.     Select the Orders tab.

2.     Select the Order that you would like to flag.

3.     Select Action | Flag....

The Flag Order dialog will appear.


4.     Enter a reason for the flag in the Reason for Flag field. Users can choose a reason from the drop-down list, choose a reason and add additional text, or enter their own text. The Reason for flag field has an 80-character limit.

5.     Choose an alert recipient from the Alert Recipient drop-down field.

Note:      A recipient must have the FLAG ORDER FOR CLARIFICATION notification/alert enabled in order to receive the alert.


6.     Select OK.

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Unflagging an Order