CPRS Features

Improved accessibility of online clinical information and results

·    Patient demographics, allergies and adverse reactions, postings (cautions, warnings, allergies, and advance directives), clinical reminders, current medications, problems, appointments, etc., can all be viewed or accessed from the Cover Sheet.


Improved efficiency of entering orders

·     You can quickly click on the specifications you want for each order you place.

·     Quick orders can be set up for frequently placed orders, so that a single click on a box will place the order.

·     Several orders can be placed and then you can sign for them all at once.


Time-delay capability for pre-admission, discharge, and transfer orders


Complete Order Sets that can be predefined and personalized


Order checking

·     The system does background checks on duplicate orders, drug-drug interactions, and many other criteria that you can choose.


Orders integrated with progress notes, results, procedures, diagnosis, and Problem List


Enhanced Patient/Provider linkage

Note:      Functionality is not available yet.


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New Features and Components of CPRS