Viewing a Report

CPRS reports include Clinical Reports, Health Summary, Imaging (Radiology and Nuclear Medicine), Lab Status, Blood Bank Report, Department of Defense remote data, Anatomic Pathology Report, Dietetics Profile, Nutritional Assessment, Vital Cumulatives, and others that your site wishes to list. You will see these reports in the Available Reports box.

Lab reports are generally text documents that can be printed. You can view lab results in a graph or worksheet format on the Labs tab.

To view a report, use these steps:

1.     Select the Reports tab.

2.     See if the text on the Remote Data button is blue. If the text is blue, the patient has remote data.

3.     To view remote data, which may include Department of Defense data, click the Remote Data button to display a list of sites that have remote data for the selected patient. If you do not want remote data, skip to step 5.

4.     Select All if you want data from all the sites listed, or click the check box in front of the site names you want to view remote data from and close the Remote Data button by selecting the button again.

Note:      If there is a problem getting the remote data, the following messages should give the user some feedback. For text reports only, CPRS adds a comment that describes the problem where the report would normally be. For "grid" type reports, the error comment is put in the first column (after the facility name) of the report. Information is also included when the Remote Data button is used to display the list of sites that have data.

§      <No HDR Data Included> - Use “HDR Reports” menu for HDR Data.

§      <No HDR Data> - This site is not a source for HDR Data.

§      <No DOD Data> - Use "Dept. of Defense Reports" Menu to retrieve data from DOD.

§      <ERROR> - Unable to communicate with Remote site


5.     Select the report you want to view from the Available Reports box (click the "+" sign to expand a heading).

Note:     The "Available Reports on the Reports Tab," section lists the location of each report when they are exported. The list is configurable and your list may be different.

                Choosing a Department of Defense (DoD) report does not limit you to DoD data. For example, if you choose Microbiology under Dept. of Defense, you will get DoD data and remote VA data. You do not have to run a separate report to get VA data.


6.     If necessary, select a date range from the Date Range box located in the lower left corner of the screen.

The report should be displayed either after step 5 or step 6. You can then scroll through and read the report. If the report is in tabular form, click on a row to reveal details about that row (to select more than one row press and hold the Control or Shift key).


Related Topics

Available Reports on the Reports Tab

Viewing a Health Summary

Printing from CPRS

Printing a Report (Table View)

Sorting a Report (Table View)