CPRS provides you with flexibility in processing, removing, and forwarding Notifications. First you select the alerts that you want to act on and then click the appropriate button. For processing notifications, you have three choices: Process Info, Process All, and Process, which will process those notifications that you have highlighted. When you are processing notifications, you can also renew a notification, which ensures that you will see the notification again the next time you log in, or forward the notification to one or more users.
Note: Sometimes CPRS will display an alert that belongs to a sensitive record--one that the user cannot view. CPRS blocks access to sensitive records when the user is processing notifications and alerts. If the alert that cannot be viewed is the first one to be processed, CPRS will give an error message and return to the Patient Selection screen. If the sensitive record is for an alert other than the first, CPRS will process the alerts until it gets to the sensitive record and will then return the user to the Patient Selection screen. Then the user can reselect alerts, excluding the one to the sensitive record, and continue processing.
To process notifications, use these steps:
1. Bring up the Patient Selection screen, either by launching CPRS or if you are already running CPRS, selecting File | Select New Patient.
2. Decide which notifications to process.
o To process all information notifications (items preceded by an I.), click Process Info.
o To process all notifications, click Process All.
o To process specific notifications, highlight one or more notifications, and then click Process. You can also process a notification by double-clicking on it.
Note: To select a number of notifications in a row, click the first item, hold down the Shift key, and click the last item. All items in the range will be selected. To select multiple items that are not in a row, click one, hold down the Control key, and click the other specific notifications.
3. Process the notification by completing the necessary task, such as signing an overdue order or viewing information notifications.
Note: For AudioRenewal requests that cannot be automatically renewed for some reason, CPRS has a new notification. The NonRenewable RX Request for notification is an action alert that takes the user to the orders tab. The user can then use the Copy to New Order feature (because the order cannot be renewed) if they want to continue the medication therapy for the patient. If providers receive an alert for a patient they no longer see, they can Forward the alert to the appropriate provider. Who receives the alert is based on the set up for the alert. Contact your CAC or similar personnel if you are repeatedly getting alerts for the wrong patients.
4. If you want to renew or forward this notification to someone else, right-click the Next button and select either Renew or Forward as shown in the graphic below. If you selected Forward, proceed to step 5. If you selected Renew, go to step 6.
This above graphic shows the pop-up menu items available by right-clicking the Next button.
5. Select the individuals that you want to receive the Notification.
a.) In the field labeled Select or enter name, type the first few letters of the person's last name.
b.) Find the person's name in the list and click it to add it to the list of recipients.
c.) Repeat steps A and B until all those you want to forward this notification to are listed under Currently selected recipients.
d.) Type a comment if needed (comments are limited to 180 characters including spaces).
e.) Select OK.
6. Select the Next button on the status bar.
7. Process the remaining notifications using steps 3-5.
8. When finished, you may select a new patient (File | Select New Patient) or exit CPRS (File | Exit).
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Sorting Notifications and Viewing Comments of Forwarded Alerts