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Graphing: Editing Predefined Views

Take the following steps to edit predefined views:

1.     Access the Define Views or Select Items and Define Views dialog box using one of the these four methods.

2.     Select the view you want to edit. (Views are located near the bottom of the Source list.) CPRS displays the view--and the items that comprise it--in the Items list.

3.     Double-click items you want to keep in the view. CPRS displays these items in the Items for Graphing list. (You can also use the the next button with one right arrow or the last button with two right arrows buttons to move items from the Items list to the Items for Graphing list.)

4.     Make additional changes to the Items for Graphing list as needed. (Add items from additional sources by clicking sources in the Source list and then selecting associated items from the Items list.)

5.     Select Save Personal or Save Public, depending on whether you are editing a personal or public view. (Again, only authorized users can create or edit public views.) You can modify and/or save public views as personal views simply by selecting Save Personal.

6.     Type the name of the view you are editing. (If you are saving a public view as your personal view, the personal view can have the same name as its public counterpart.)

7.     Select OK.

CPRS displays the Confirm dialog box, which warns you that you are about to overwrite an existing view.


8.     To overwrite (edit) the existing view, select Yes.


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Predefined Graphing Views

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