File Menu

The following commands are available on the File menu:

·      Select New Patient

·      Refresh Patient Information

·      Update Provider /Location ...

·      Review /Sign Changes...

·      Exit

Interface Notes

·      If you are accustomed to using the keyboard exclusively, you can continue to do so with Windows. You can use the keyboard to select menus and menu items.

To select a menu, you press the ALT key and then the letter in the menu title that is underlined. For example, to bring up the File menu, you press ALT + F because the F in File is underlined showing that it is the quick key.

To select a menu item when the menu is displayed, you type the underlined letter of the desired menu item (rather than clicking with your mouse). Continuing the above example, if you had brought up the File menu and wanted to choose Select New Patient, you would then type n.


·      The dots (ellipses) after a menu item or command button item indicate that further dialog boxes will open up when you choose these items or buttons.