Associating a Template

To associate a template with a document title, type of consult, or a procedure, follow these steps:

1.     Create a new template (by following the instructions for creating personal document templates or creating shared document templates)


edit an existing template by selecting Options | Edit Templates....

2.     Select the Edit Shared Templates check box located in the lower-left corner of the Template Editor window.

3.     Select the template you would like to associate from the Personal Templates section of the Template Editor window.

4.     Drag and drop the template into either the Document Titles, Consult Reasons for Request or Procedure Reasons for Request folder in the Shared Templates area of the window.

5.     In the Shared Templates area of the window, select the template that you just moved (click "+"to expand a heading).

6.     Select a procedure from the Associated Procedure drop-down list


select a consult service from the Associated Consult Service drop-down list.


7.     Select OK.

The template is now associated. When you order a consult or a procedure, the associated template text will appear in the Reason for Request field. When you enter a new progress note, the associated template text will appear in the text of the note.


Related topics

Document Templates (overview)

Creating Personal Document Templates

Creating Shared Document Templates

Generating a Template from a TIU Object or Note Title

Copying Document Templates

Searching for Document Templates

Deleting Document Templates